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Full contents of my book, "Java Essay: The History and Culture of a Southern Country" and its Japanese version, have been uploaded in this website (June 2019)


My involvement in Java studies (October 2016)


Greetings for the opening of website (August 2015)




 "Christmas Card 2023" and "New Year Card 2024" uploaded in the [Christmas Card] and [New Year Card] pages, respectively.
 To the article “Rice Field Art in Inakadate Village” in the [Essays (New)] section, comments received from friends have been anonymously appended.
 A new article entitled “Rice Field Art in Inakadate Village” has been added in the [Essays (New)] section, in the [Essays (New)] page. The village in Minami-Tsugaru District, Aomori prefecture had invented the art to draw a picture on the rice field by planting different colour rice thirty years ago. I visited there in the late September this year.
 The article “Rice Field Art in Inakadate Village” in the [Essays (New)] section, has been revised adding the cases in India. Miss-spellings and other minor errors have also been eliminated.
 A new article entitled “Rice Field Art in Inakadate Village” has been added in the [Essays (New)] section, in the [Essays (New)] page. The village in Minami-Tsugaru District, Aomori prefecture had invented the art to draw a picture on the rice field by planting different colour rice thirty years ago. I visited there in the late September this year.
 In the “Journeys to Java” page, a photo diary entitled the “Visit of Lord Yoshinobu Tokugawa to Java 2001” has been added.
 An article entitled “Atsuko Morioka's Watercolour" has been added in "Essays etc"/"Essays (New work)" to introduce the paintings of a wonen  who started painting in her mid-sixties and became an award-winning painter.  
  The existing article, “Art Review: Human Eye vs. Camera Eye, Chapter 3” in "Essays etc"/"Essays (New work)" has been revised adding stills taken from the videos of waves found in the Internet.
“Art Review: Human Eye vs. Camera Eye, Chapter 1” has been revised with a review about the history of colour photography.
A logo  , designed after the family crest of Iguchi, has been added to this website.
“Art Review: A Question about the Originality of Katsushika Hokusai’s Ukiyo-e, viz. The Great Wave off Kanagawa” in [Essay etc.]→ [Essays (New work)] has been revised with comments on an NHK's related programme.
“Art Review: Human Eye vs. Camera Eye, Chapter 1” has been revised with a review about the history of photo-image recording method.
An "Art Review" article, entitled "Human Eye vs. Camera Eye" has been uploaded in "Essays (New work)" section in the "Essays etc." page.
"Christmas Card 2022" and "New Year Card 2023" uploaded in the [Christmas Card] and [New Year Card] pages, respectively.
 An articcle, "A Question about the Originality of Katsushika Hokusai’s Ukiyo-e, viz. The Great Wave off Kanagawa” had been uploaded in the sub-section, "Art Review" created in the "Essays (New work)" section in the [Essay etc.] page.  
An article "Modern History: A monument to fallen Japanese soldiers" has been uploaded in the [History of Java] page.  
A picture of "the monument of Pieter Erberveld with his skull (replica)" placed in the Tanah Abang - Taman Prasasti Museum has been added in [Java Essay] - "Chapter 2: Jagatara Tales".
An image/sound file of "The Nagasaki Story (song)" has been added in [Java Essay] - "Chapter 1: Jagatara – The Destination of Haru".
English texts of Atsushi Nakajima's novels,"Mojika (The Calamity of Letters)" and "Miira (Mummy)" in the "Literature Perusal" section in the [Essay etc.] page have been revised, corrected by Prof. M. R. Mackley.
In the "Literature Perusal" section in the [Essay etc.] page,  articles on Atsushi Nakajima's novels,"Mojika (The Calamity of Letters)" and "Miira (Mummy)" have been uploaded.
In the "Literature Perusal" section in the [Essay etc.] page, a set of articles on Lafcadio Hearn's "The Story of Kwashin Koji" has been uploaded.
In the [Essay etc.] page, articles to introduce Mrs. Michiyo Miwa and her Art have been uploaded.
"Christmas Card 2021" and "New Year Card 2022" uploaded in the [Christmas Card] and [New Year Card] pages, respectively.

The contents of "2. The Atlas that supports buildings (4) Atlas sculptures in Temples within Japan" and "4. Lion Gatekeeper Statues (5) Statues of wild boars, tigers, mice, foxes and ox at temples and shrines in Japan" in [History of Java] > [I. Guardians of Temples and Shrines] have been revised adding the results of visit to Sigisan and Kuramayama Temples.
Links to the "Original and related images" of [Xmas Card] and [New Year Card] have been improved.
The contents-tree views of [Java Essay], [History of Java] and [Journeys to Java (transl)] pages have been improved.
A Japanese translation of "Appendix 1" has been published as "The Rise and Decline of Xylonite (Celluloid)" in: J. Fiber Sci. & Tech., Japan, 77(11), P-577-584, and the contents uploaded in the [Academic] page.

The contents of "GUTTA PERCHA - A Journey: With Appendices on Xylonite (Celluloid)/Amber & Copal," in this web page has been revised according to the publication of The Third Edition.
The contents of my new Book, "The Identification of “Holotan Country” recorded in the Chinese Book of Sung with reference to the Wangsakerta Manuscripts," uploaded in the [Academic] page.


In the "Literature Perusal" section in the [Essay etc.] page, a set of articles on Thomas Hardy's "A Tradition of Eighteen Hundred and Four" has been uploaded.


The contents of my new Book, "GUTTA PERCHA - A Journey: With Appendices on Xylonite (Celluloid)/Amber & Copal," uploaded in the [Academic] page.


My "Christmas Card 2020" and "New Year Card 2021" uploaded in the [Christmas Card] and [New Year Card] pages, respectively.


A new section, "Literature Perusal" has been created in the [Essay etc.] page and following articles have been uploaded.

(1) Two novels by Ryunosuke Akutagawa: "The Smiles of Gods" and "The Hagiography of SanKirishitohoro". Translations into English with notes and introductions by M.I.

(2) A novel by Thomas Hardy: "To Please His Wife". An translations into Japanese with notes and an introduction by M.I.


My "Christmas Card 2019" and "New Year Card 2020" uploaded in the [Christmas Card] and [New Year Card] pages, respectively.

Articles of [History of Java]→[I.Guardians of Temples and Shrines] have been revised with the results of trip to Java in June 2019.

In the "Photo Albun", following items have been added: [England, April 2017], [Holland, April 2017],  [Java, June 2019], [Wild birds at Shakujii Lake 2013-2015],  [Fossil Mines in Town 2014-2019].


 The title of this website has been changed with the addition of [Java Essay] page.

Standard Japanese font in this website has been changed to "Aozora Mincho" which is based on the IPA P Mincho. To show Japanese Hentai-kana, UniHentaiKana font (IPA) has been introduced.


Two new items,"(4)Modern Lion statues in Japan" and "(5)Statues of wild boars, tigers, mice and foxes at temples and shrines in Japan", have been added in [History of Java]→[I.Guardians of Temples and Shrines]→[4. Lion Gatekeeper Statues] section.


My New Year Card 2019 uploaded in the [New Year Card] page.


My Christmas Card 2018 uploaded in the [Christmas Card] page.


The fonts in this website have been unified into "web fonts", the Times Roman in English page and the "Source Han Serif" in Japanese pages, respectively.

Articles in this website have been reviewed and some of them, viz. in [History of Java], revised.


My New Year Card 2018 has been uploaded in the [New Year Card] page.


A Review, “Wayang: Javanese Shadow Play and its Derivatives [Part 1 of 2] (Japanese language) contributed to the Journal of The Society of Fibre Science and Technology, Japan, No.10-11, 2016, and the article's English Translation have been uploaded in [History of Java]→[Cultural Tradition], recommended by Prof. Akira. Tsuchida, the editor in chief of the journal.

A minor revision has been made in the [History of Java], viz. "Guardians of temples and shrines", adding some new photographs.


My Christmas Card 2017 uploaded in the [Christmas Card] page.

A minor revision has been made in the [History of Java], viz. "Guardians of temples and shrines", adding some new photographs.


My New Year Card 2017 uploaded in the [New Year Card] page.


My Christmas Card 2016 uploaded in the [Christmas Card] page.


The design of this website has been  modified.

(1) In this opening page,  My involvement in Java studies has been added to explain how a former polymer scientist became inclined to the study of the history and culture of Java.

(2) In the [History of Java] page, Abstract of Contents has been added.

Articles in "Guardians of Temples and Shrines" have been revised after visiting more temples and shrines within Japan.

"A legendry cannon - Si Jagur or Kian Setomo" has been added to [History of Java] /[Legends and Tales].

Added English text has been kindly edited again by Prof. Malcolm Macklay.

Original For creating a HTM document on Microsoft Word with “Save as Web page, filtered”, I realised that the quality of extracted images was much better if saved from “doc” format than from “docx” format. Thus, the quality if images in all articles in [History of Java] and [Journeys to Java] has been much improved.photographs used in Christmas cards have been made viewable.


The images in the “Guardians of Temples and Shrines” in the [History of Java] has been set to be shown proportional to the browser’s frame width, irrespective of the change of the display font size (by Ctrl+/Ctrl-).

The font size and line spacing in the “Legends and Tales” in the [History of Java] have been modified so as the articles can be read more comfortably.


In the [Journeys to Java (translation)] page, the web-version of the Indonesian Edition, Perdjalanan moenoedjoe Djawa (2006)  uploaded, in addition to the existing English Edition.


In the [Journeys to Java (translation)] page, the Japanese translation of 'Introduction:About the Author, the Book and the Historical Background (by the translator)' has been added.


Lecture material The Conference to Commemorate the Retirement of Prof. Tashiro  (26 March 2016)  "The Guardians of Temples and Shrines" has been uploaded at the bottom of the Japanese-page [Essays etc.].


Descriptive errors on the erection of Candi Kalasan and Candi Sewu in the [History of Java]/[Guardians of Temples and Shrines] have been corrected.


"Royal genealogy in ancient Java" in the [History of Java[ revised.


My New Year Card 2016 uploaded in the [New Year Card] page.


My Christmas Card 2015 uploaded in the [Chistmas Card] page.


The whole articles of "Guardians of Temples and Shrines" in the [History of Java] in the English Page have been revised to make the text readable as English, kindly edited by Prof. Malcolm R. Macklay, Cambridge, UK, save some paragraphs or sentences which have been added or modified afterwards by the writer himself (Masatosi Iguchi).


The problem of hyperlink (i.e., the failure to return from the list of references to the text) in the [History of Java]/“Legends and Tales” and the [Journeys to Java (transl.)] has been fixed.

The contents lists of the [History of Java], [Journeys to Java (transl.)] and [Photo Album] have been made into a collapsible/expandable type, so as to see the subtopics easier, with reference to an article by Mr. Fumihiro Nishimura in


Some parts of of [History of Java] - "Guardians of Temples and Shrines", namely concerned to Japan, have been enlarged and revised.

A tale of Mur Jangkung" has been added to [History of Java] - Legends and Tales.2015.09.01.


This website started.