Preface to the History and Culture of Java

During my career in a laboratory under the former Ministry of International Trade and Industry (the presentt Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry), I had stayed in Bandung, Indonesia for two years for an International Cooperation Project and also paid short visit several times to the same country for small research cooperation programmes. After retirement, I was awarded a fellowship from Japan Science and Technology Agency and spent three years in a research laboratory in Bogor. After freed from occupations, I preferred to turn to the study of the history and culture of Java that I had glanced during my stay in the county, leaving from the former discipline of polymer science, and written manuscripts, basing upon knowledge acquired by visiting historical sites, learnt in books and obtained through discussion with friends and experts. The manuscripts have been recently published under the names of Jawa Tankyu (ジャワ探究, Japanese) and Java Essay.

When the publishing of Java Essay was nearly ready, I was asked by my friend,  who kindly edited my manuscript to bring it up to the level of being readable as English, what I would be doing after this. I was a little flustered and replied that I would like to supplement my study on the same subject at least for a few years, were my life spared.

I. Guardians of temples and shrines is the first supplement written up in July 2015.

II. History of Java in this homepage contains some extracts from Java Essay.

III. Royal genealogy in ancient Java  is the renewed version of the table included in Java Essay, in which the relationship of Keling, Sanjaya, Sailendra and Kanjuruhan Kingdoms has been made clearer with reference to additional literature [1].

IV. Legends and tales include some stories selected from Java Essay.


uthor: 井口正俊 (Masatoshi Iguvhi)
Title: ジャワ探究:南の国の歴史と文化 (Java Essay: The Hisstory and Culture of a Southern Country)
Publisher: 丸善プラネット株式会社, 東京 (Maruzen Planet Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan)
distributer: 丸善出版株式会社,東京 (Maruzen Publishing Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan)
Date: 20131010日 (10 October 2013)
FromatA5364 pgaes
ISBN-10: 4863451741ISBN-13: 978-4863451742
Publisher's Website:  (

Errata 2016.11.09.
Amazon JP Comments:


uthor:Masatoshi Iguchi
Title:Java Essay: The Hisstory and Culture of a Southern Country
Publisher:Troubador Publishing Ltd., Leicester, UK
Date:15 January 2015
Format: Royal342 pages
ISBN-10: 178462151XISBN-13: 978-1784621513
Publisher's Website: (

Errata 2016.10.31.
Newspaper review:
The Jakarta Post 27/April/2015
Amazon UK comments:(
US comments:
Amazon JP comments
Google Books: (

[1] Literature for the original version.

(1) Saleh Danasasmita, Sejarah Bogor, Pemerintah Daerah Kotamadya DT II Bogor, 1983 (A history of Bogor),

(2) Atja, Edi Suhardi Ekajati, Pustaka rajya-rajya i bhumi Nusantara Vol. I - 1, Bagian Proyek Penelitian dan Pengkajian Kebudayaan Sunda (Sundanologi), Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1987,

(3) Atja, Carita Parahiyangan: Naskah Titilar Karuhun Urang Sunda, Jajasan Kebudajaan Nusalarang, Bandung 1968,

(4) Sketsalaku, Galuh Karangkamulyan, June 18, 2010,

   Additional Literature for the revisied version

(5) Edi S. Ekadjati (Ed.), Polemik Naskah Pangeran Wangsakerta, Pustaka Jaya, Jakarta 2005,

(6) Ayatrohaedi, Sundakala: cuplikan sejarah Sunda berdasarkan naskah-naskah "Panitia Wangsakerta" Cirebon, Pustaka Jaya, Jakarta 2005,

(7) “RAJA-RAJA JAWA KUNO by Zamrut Khatulistiwa Selasa, 22 March 2011”,